Monday, December 27, 2010

My First Homemade Tangyuan!

Very easy step 1,2,3 to prepare a delicious bowl of tangyuan!

1. Bought the pre-mixed dough (of glutinous rice flour) from LipSin wet market.
Roll it into small balls.

2. Cook the sweet dessert soup (i put pandan leaves, brown sugar & longan meat)

3. Boil the tangyuan & served the the sweet dessert soup!

Happy Winter Solstice!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Mr & Mrs Bae

D day = 17.12.2010
D time = 9-10am
D place = JPN Putrajaya


Run JackJack Run!

His bodysuit is too long for him (14 months wearing size 24). That's made him looked so funny when walking.

BTW excuse the vibration sounds that appears few seconds after the video started. Received SMS when taking this video.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Trip to Papa's office

It's Intel family day on last Saturday, 4th Dec @ Intel PG12 car park areas.
There are lucky draws and of course we won't miss it. LoL.

And we also had a chance to visit Papa's office, and as expected, the desk is messy.

JJ's on his first shoes!

I got a 'smile'!

JJ pressed '0'.. luckily operator's line busy.

With Papa

With Mama

JJ walking!

Brownie - 2nd attempt!

Life has been busy - this is a very back-dated post.

I did my 2nd attempt baking the brownie, and it's fail AGAIN!
It's all OVEN fault!

First attempt - over-baked b'coz i follow the exact temperature to be used as per the recipe. But my oven is too small so overheated.

Second attempt - i thought i learn from mistake therefore i adjusted lower temperature, unfortunately, i am still wrong, its still over-baked outside, and worst thing is, inside is not cook!

I will not have 3rd attempt until i got a new bigger oven which have upper & lower temperature controls *hinting*

Let's have a look at the fail creature.

Outside - cracked. Sign of over-baked.

Inside - still wet. Sign of under-baked. (Pic is not clear coz my hp's camera lousy)